Probably not a big suprise that all the tested functions works as in the E46 325ti. The CAN bus message format is identical, but the ECU messages over the KBUS are quite different.
Due to winter time and practical considerations, an E46 325ti has served as a test mule for the test of the airVent Display. Have come so far no that I could not resist the temptation to try it in my E46 M3 based car.
Probably not a big suprise that all the tested functions works as in the E46 325ti. The CAN bus message format is identical, but the ECU messages over the KBUS are quite different.
Discover the amazing amount of information available on the E46 CAN bus, made easily available via a touch screen embedded in the E46 air vent console.
Enable the MK60 CAN bus data stream in a non-standard E46 configuration, made available by a dedicated custom made MK60 emulator.